Here at Modish Quilter Magazine we are all about the most modern and trendy looking styles and techniques in the quilting world. We want to bring you fresh content, new ideas, new techniques, fun patterns, and in depth articles about the art of quilting, quilters, and quilt things!
This company started out as just an idea. We noticed a lack of modern vision in one collective spot! Your go-to modern magazine! We saw a need, and we decided to fill it. Modish Quilter Magazine is entirely digital. In this day and age, digital is the way forward. Modish Quilter Magazine is environmentally conscious while also bringing you the best quality content possible.
We sincerely hope you enjoy our magazine issues and want your feedback. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there are any issues or if you have suggestions or ideas for our magazine! Read on to meet each of us and learn more about us.
@modishquilter #modishquilter #modishquiltermagazine
Meet the MQ Team

editor in chief
My name is Kiley Ferons from @kileysquiltroom. I started quilting 10 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child and decided to make her a quilt. I quickly fell in love with the art form and, overtime, have evolved my hobby into a business. My business has been many faces, starting with longarm quilting services. I have been longarming for over 5 years and have loved every second of it! Bringing life and texture to quilts has been a joy. However, I recently turned my focus to designing my own quilt patterns. While searching for a modern quilting magazine to feature one of my designs in, I realized there wasn’t a publication that truly captured the “modern” quilter in the way I was hoping to. So I decided to fill the need, and Modish Quilter was born.
I am so thankful for my husband who supports me and my friends who I coerced into doing this with me. I can’t wait to see where this adventure takes me and I’m so glad you are here to take the ride with me.
My name is Megan Saenz from @megsaenz and @the_quiltographer. I bought my first sewing machine 6 years ago when I was pregnant with my first baby so I could make little clothes for her. A couple of years ago I was introduced to quilting and I quickly fell in love. I love using, bright fun colors with modern designs. I’m also a photographer and love taking pictures in beautiful, outdoor places. In my free time I chase around my small children and eat a lot of dark chocolate. I am so glad you’re here and I hope you love the magazine! Enjoy!

Art Director
Hello! My name is Elyse Thompson from @ElyseThompDesign. I fell into the world of graphic design by shear luck about 6 years ago and have loved my journey through it. My favorite part in quilting is choosing the color scheme and patterns that will help shape the look and feel of the quilt. I hope you enjoy our magazine and derive creative vibes as you refer to it and join our community of modern quilters.